OKFN - OpenAid
Information platform of the Open Knowledge Foundation around development aid transparency.

OKFN - Open Definition
Website maintained by the Open Knowledge Foundation with a definition of Open in Open Data, Open Content and Open Services and information about usable licences to ensure openness.

TED - Open Data Talk (Tim Berner...
"The year open data went worldwide". TED talk on Open Data by Tim Berners-Lee.

OReilly - Open Government Book
Free first chapter "Government as a platform" from OReilly Book about open government.

OKFN - Open Data Manual
Manual maintained by the Open Knowledge Foundation discussing legal, social and technical aspects of Open Data.

guardian.co.uk - Datablog
Datablog of the British Guardian covering new open data developments in Great Britain and the world.

New York Times - Open Blog
Blog from New York Times developers about open data activities from the NYTimes and developments around open data.

Sunlight Foundation Blog
Blog of the U.S. non-profit Sunlight Foundation mainly covering U.S. open government news.

Sunlight Foundation - Sunlight L...
Developer blog by the Sunlight Foundation with news around Sunlight projects and open data projects and websites in the U.S..

Open Knowledge Foundation Blog -...
Open Data category from the blog of the Open Knowledge Foundation with recent open data news.